About MEDPROM agency

MEDPROM agency offers
treatment in Germany at clinic prices

Treatment in Germany

individual programme of examination and treatment in an optimal clinic with leading German specialists

Check-Up Diagnostics

computer diagnostic programs supervised by highly qualified specialists


Second opinion

double-check any diagnosis and get a qualified opinion from independent European specialists

MEDPROM – an international agency with extensive experience in the organisation and coordination of medical care in Germany for patients from all over the world.

MEDPROM clients receive several benefits:

  • We have a wide network of highly qualified specialists. Several of our employees have a medical degree. It allows us to provide our clients with the best possible consultation and support.
  • For our patients we are constantly looking for the best solutions and clinics. We cooperate with well-chosen hospitals and specialists with an excellent reputation even abroad.
  • We do not limit our services to German clinics and specialists. If necessary, we consult specialists from Austria and Switzerland during the treatment.
  • We stay in close contact with hospitals and doctors. Therefore lots of questions can be clarified and answered in advance. Billing of services is completely transparent. Original invoices of hospitals are always passed on to the patients.
  • The loyalty of our clients is our best advertisement. Since MEDPROM was founded we still support many of our first clients.
  • Our aim is not only the best organisation of the stay and treatment for our clients. We also place a great value on a perfect communication between our clients and physicians, even after the completion of treatment.